Saturday 28 November 2020

Thoughts about starting a campaign

 Often do I think about this, especially whenever I see someone having a cool idea that I wanna steal and run a game with or even on the rare occasion that that cool idea comes from my own head.
Then I start to think about getting players or finding/hacking a system that would support the idea...
And then I give up.

Actually starting a campaign would also be a great reason to do more world building, but that would require a campaign that keeps moving forwards and giving me ideas for things to put into that world.
I'm not a fan of writing the world first and then dropping the players in it, I'd much rather drop the players in an introduction adventure or some module I have laying around and then start building from there based on what I feel would be in the world that this adventure has started to take place in.
Pre-writing stuff for a world with no players in it yet just feels dirty to me. If I pre-write in religion, what if the cleric player had a different idea for what kind of cleric of what kind of faith they wanted to be for example?

Systems-wise I'm still test-driving Lamentations, hopefully getting to see how it'll preform with the players in a bit more abstracted and less hostile environment this upcoming monday as I'll get to run my oneshot that I've been writing.
Been collecting some homebrew adjustments for it that I also would want to test or just throw at players at session zero and tell them to flip through all of them (or probably just go over each one quickly) and ask which ones they would like to include.

The issue with getting a campaign together though is that even in the Tower of the Stargazer game I'm running we've already had to skip three game nights in a row and there are people who are voicing concerns about the system. The system concerns are part of the fact that none of us has really played OSR stuff before, all of us coming from 5e, but I also feel like a lot of the people in my friends circle aren't looking for the same kind of gritty experience of not being the hero in the story but instead a person who might become the hero.

One day I'll do the brave and ask somewhere more public than just a discord server full of friends, but we shall see.

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