Friday 4 December 2020

The church is rotten - The church is stability

 I really liked the implied religion stuff that spillway came up one night by just hurling all sorts of mad accusations at each other in the guise of believers of two different factions and have been considering implementing some version of the religions derived from it into this world that I'm currently plotting little oneshots or few session adventures.

While trying out world building by first coming up with a huge map and then trying to populate it I got the same frustration that I've felt before while trying to make something too big.
It seems like small things and their inevitable implied sum is what would probably work better, and that would also leave more gaps for players to fill in as well which I'm a big fan of, so here we have me coming up with some ideas extending from the Church of Varchic and it's offshoot cult of the Deep.

As with any conflict, there need be at least two sides opposing each other.
To possibly introduce a third one to the mix I will likely add in the perspective of nobles or some ruler when I get around to thinking and writing about those - likely on the occasion that I find myself needing my first larger settlement, but for the time being here are some rather opposing views of the Church of Varchic.

The church is rotten.
They collect tithe  from their followers so they may send it to Varchic who now rests beneath a mountain range where he's said to lay in rest and collect treasures of his people in proud admiration of what he has lead them to be.

The church is rotten.
They have bound us and our fellow countrymen to the ground that their whole church is built upon, ground that will surely one day crumble into the sea.
Advancements onto sea and sky are forbidden and heretical, leaving nothing but wagons and carts for us to build our commerce upon.

The church is rotten.
They're like parasitic organ to the society, feeding on their beliefs and fears as the obedient drones follow whatever they feed them.
The church keeps growing, ever bigger and expanding but what do they give to the people in return? Nothing but reasons to fear and follow them blindly.


The church is stability.
They unite the loyal countrymen under a common belief and teach them lessons about Varchic, giving the masses a sense of someone watching over them and someone they should strive to make proud even when none others are looking.

The church is stability.
They look after the community, teach the masses and keep men in check so that our own curiosity doesn't drive us towards danger.
The heads of the church are wise men who know secrets from past generations passed from one to another and make wise rulings upon that knowledge.

The church is stability.
Where there is church there is civilization, and where there is civilization the men of Varchic strive and need not fear the Deep or it's echoes.
Thus the church is a symbol of safety, and where you see one you can rest assured knowing that you're being looked over.

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